We take the safeguarding and care of children, young people, victims of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults very seriously.
We are committed to making Kinver Methodist Church a safe place for all and especially to safeguarding children, young people, victims of domestic abuse and vulnerable adults. Our safeguarding policy is available here.
If anyone is in danger
If anyone is in immediate danger, call the police on 999 straight
Reporting safeguarding concerns
Should you have a safeguarding concern please contact:
Andrew Stilton (Church Safeguarding Officer)
E-mail: potterscrosschurch@gmail.com
Tel: 07831160751
Jayne Corns (Circuit Safeguarding Officer)
Tel: 01384 288415
Sue Holder (District Safeguarding Officer)
Tel: 07508 232 773
Safeguarding at Kinver Methodist Church
We are committed to the care and flourishing of all children and adults. We work hard to ensure that we operate in line with current best practice, as laid out in the Methodist Church safeguarding policy
These recommendations include areas such as day-to-day care, recruitment of staff and volunteers, DBS clearance and training.
Kinver Methodist Church Council has adopted the Methodist Church’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Methodist Church Website: https://www.methodist.org.uk/safeguarding/
If you would like more information, please contact our Church Safeguarding Officer, Andrew Stilton (07831 160751); Circuit Safeguarding Officer Jayne Corns (01384 288415); or District Safeguarding Officer, Sue Holder (07508 232773).